Open Sesame 課程系以不同年紀兒童語言發展為基礎,依其認知能力及生涯任務為主軸所開發之語言學習課程。為方便教師選擇教材組合,特依其課程規劃,便利簡潔之訂購單。教師只需——
幼兒班訂購 ESL 小兒童班訂購單 EFL 小兒童班訂購單 大兒童班訂購


級次 班別 學生本 學生本 CD 作業本 會話課本 讀本 讀本CD 套數 確定購買請打勾 單價
Oral Development A101 Big Bird Yellow Book
Oral Development A102 同A101
Oral Development A103 同A101
Oral Development A104 同A101 EB 1
Oral Development A105 同A101 同A104
Oral Development A106 同A101 同A104
Independent Reader A107 EB 1 EB 1 Little Celebration 1A
Independent Reader A108 同A107 同A107 Little Celebration 2A
Independent Reader A109 EB 2 EB 2 Little Celebration 1B
Independent Reader A110 同A109 同A109 Little Celebration 2B
Independent Reader A111 EB 3 EB 3 Little Celebration 1C
Independent Reader A112 同A111 同A111 Little Celebration 2C
Independent Reader A113 同A111 同A111
Independent Reader A114 EB 4 EB 4
Independent Reader A115 同A114 同A114
Independent Reader A116 同A114 同A114
Early Writer A206-1 Cookie Monster Blue Book World of Literacy 1 Conversation Book 1 Lisa Goes to London Lisa Goes to London
Early Writer A206-2 同A206-1 同A206-1 同A206-1 同A206-1 同A206-1
Early Writer A206-3 同A206-1 同A206-1 同A206-1 同A206-1 同A206-1
Early Writer A207-1 同A206-1 World of Literacy 2 同A206-1 Paul and Pierre in Paris Paul and Pierre in Paris
Early Writer A207-2 同A206-1 同207-1 同A206-1 同A207-1 同A207-1
Early Writer A207-3 同A206-1 同A207-1 同A206-1 同A207-1 同A207-1
Early Writer A207+1 同A206-1 同A207-1 同A206-1 Lisa visits Loch Ness Lisa visits Loch Ness
Early Writer A207+2 同A206-1 World of Literacy 3 同A206-1 同A207+1 同A207+1
Early Writer A207+3 同A206-1 同A207+2 同A206-1 同A207+1 同A207+1
Early Writer A208-1 同A206-1 同A207+2 同A206-1 同A207+1 同A207+1
Early Writer A208-2 同A206-1 同A207+2 同A206-1 The Mix-up The Mix-up
Early Writer A208-3 同A206-1 World of Literacy 4 同A206-1 同A208-2 同A208-2
Early Writer A208+1 同A206-1 同A208-3 同A206-1 同A208-2 同A208-2
Early Writer A208+2 同A206-1 同A208-3 同A206-1 同A208-2 同A208-2
Early Writer A208+3 同A206-1 同A208-3 同A206-1 同A208-2 同A208-2
Advanced Writer A209-1 Prairie Dawn Purple Book World of Literacy 5 Conversation Book 2 Junie B. First Grade
Advanced Writer A209-2 同A209-1 同A209-1 同A209-1 同A209-1
Advanced Writer A209-3 同A209-1 同A209-1 同A209-1 同A209-1
Advanced Writer A210-1 同A209-1 World of Literacy 6 同A209-1 同A209-1
Advanced Writer A210-2 同A209-1 同A210-1 同A209-1 Junie B. Is a Party Animal
Advanced Writer A210-3 同A209-1 同A210-1 同A209-1 同A210-2
Advanced Writer A211-1 同A209-1 World of Literacy 7 同A209-1 同A210-2
Advanced Writer A211-2 同A209-1 同A211-1 同A209-1 同A210-2
Advanced Writer A211-3 同A209-1 同211-1 同A209-1 Junie B. Smells Something Fishy
Advanced Writer A211+1 同A209-1 World of Literacy 8 同A209-1 同A211-3
Advanced Writer A211+2 同A209-1 同A211+1 同A209-1 同A211-3
Advanced Writer A211+3 同A209-1 同A211+1 同A209-1 同A211-3


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